Frequently Asked Questions

Does Phelps Digital Run Ads?

Why Is Phelps Digital A Great Fit For The Home Furnishings Industry?

How Does Phelps Digital Determine Where To Allocate Your Budget?

How Does Phelps Digital Report On Vendor Performance?

What Types of Businesses Does Phelps Digital Work With?

Do I Need Someone Outside Of My Dealership To Manage My Vendors?

How Does Phelps Digital Hold Vendor Partners Accountable?

What Are Some Common Campaign Issues Phelps Finds?

What are some of the benefits that Phelps Digital clients experience?

First and foremost, our clients are experiencing a huge weight lifted off of their shoulders! Prior to working with us, our clients were dealing with constant sales pitches, consistent product upgrade opportunities, and being given digital strategy reports they didn’t fully understand. Now, they have been relieved of this burden and given the comfort of knowing they have an unbiased digital expert in their corner to ensure they are making the best decisions with their digital investment.

In addition to their decreased burden, our clients have experienced a decrease in lead costs and an increase in website conversion rates and campaign cohesion across vendors. Most significantly, working with us has allowed them to spend less time on day-to-day tasks managing their digital vendors and more time focusing on their people, process, and product.

What is your relationship like with the vendors I use today?

Positive! Vendors appreciate our understanding of the information they share and the processes they work with internally. In fact, Phelps Digital was started based on our prior experience of working for digital advertising vendors. As such, we truly understand how important vendor-client communication and product expectation is in order to achieve your desired results.

How often will I hear from my Client Success Manager?

As often as you want. In general, our process includes conducting monthly vendor review calls with each of your digital vendors. Following a vendor review call, we send you PhelpsNotes which highlight performance data, action items, and key data points reviewed and discussed on each vendor call.

In addition to providing PhelpsNotes throughout the month, we communicate with our clients regarding store initiatives in order to achieve a cohesive marketing strategy across vendors. We are here to be an extension of your company and are available daily for all types of questions regarding your digital landscape. The more communication the better!

What kind of training and background will my Client Success Manager have?

Our Client Success Managers (CSM) are technical specialists who are experts in digital marketing. Every CSM is trained on specific functionalities within a digital vendor’s product suite. In addition, each CSM has access to PhelpsData which allows them to view vendor performance among our client network and find efficiencies and synergies within vendors. Our team’s expertise and access to PhelpsData allows us to keep vendors accountable for maximum performance and drive better results for you.

What is the on-boarding process like?

We have worked hard to make our on-boarding process fast and easy. First, we collect a list of your current vendors including access logins and contact information. Second, we schedule an on-boarding call in order to discuss your market(s), market goals, and current challenges. Finally, we set up an initial introductory call with each of your digital vendors in order to discuss current product strategy and identify areas of opportunity, improvement, and growth.

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